First Cornwallis Baptist Church

Upper Canard, Kings County, Nova Scotia

First Cornwallis Baptist Church welcomes you!


Welcome to First Cornwallis Baptist, a community of Faith, Hope and Love, located in the beautiful Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. The Church building is located in Upper Canard about halfway between Kentville and Canning, about 6.5 km from each. We are a small church community (about sixty on Sunday mornings) with a big heart, seeking to impact our communities with the love of Christ.

Aerial Photo of ChurchThe congregation is a wonderful mixture of people from every generation - children and youth to middle age and seniors. Although we are Baptist in our affiliation, all people are warmly welcomed to join us as we seek to follow Christ's leading in our life.

For the most current NEWS and UPDATES concerning events at the church and church life, please see our new section UPDATES & NEWS - in the menu at the top.

Pastor & Music Director: 
 Lic. Stephen Wheaton

Clerk: Dianne Rafuse-Bennett

Treasurer: Joshua Lohnes

Chair of Deacons: Gladys Starratt 

Our Daily Bread Podcast | Our Daily Bread

Daily Devotionals
  • In Small Ways

    When she was struck by cancer, Elsie was prepared to go home to heaven to be with Jesus. But she recovered, though the disease left her immobile. It also left her wondering why God had spared her life. “What good can I do?” she asked


Coming Events

Sunday Morning Worship
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM -

Sunday Morning Worship
Sun Aug 04 @10:30AM -

Sunday Morning Worship
Sun Aug 11 @10:30AM -

Sunday Morning Worship
Sun Aug 18 @10:30AM -

Sunday Morning Worship
Sun Aug 25 @10:30AM -

Sunday Morning Worship
Sun Sep 01 @10:30AM -

Sunday Morning Worship
Sun Sep 08 @10:30AM -

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