First Cornwallis Baptist Church

Upper Canard, Kings County, Nova Scotia

Church Covenant

This church covenant was first adopted in 2002 on the occasion of the church’s 195th anniversary. It speaks to our continuing commitment to serving God (Faith) and others (Hope) as well as one another (Love). The covenant logo below incorporates the three rings which are a traditional symbol of God and the Trinity, with people of various ages as a symbol of community and the profile of the church with the iconic bell which still calls us to worship and service. The background sunrise is a reminder of the new life which is our in Christ.


As a people sharing a common love for Jesus Christ and who seek a closer relationship with God we now joyfully, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, enter into covenant with one another:

To be a Community of Faith that comes together to worship in the presence of God and who participate in His ministry with our time, energy, ideas and resources.

To be a Community of Hope that expresses the Good News to our world in our example, service, and speech that others might also be drawn into relationship with God.

To be a Community of Love where all are accepted and where we support and share one another’s joys and burdens through prayer, encouragement, compassion and acts of kindness.

We will seek to honor this covenant in both good and difficult times for the glory of God.


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