First Cornwallis Baptist Church

Upper Canard, Kings County, Nova Scotia

Updates & News

Food Bank & Encouragement Sunday

logo foodbank
This Sunday (February 20th 2022) is Food Bank Sunday. There will be a blue tote at the back of the sanctuary to deposit any non perishable food bank items in. Thank you in advance for your generosity! 


This Sunday is also Encouragement Sunday. Please pray for God to lay someone on your heart to sent a note of encouragement to. Note paper will be provided in your bullitin on Sunday. 

Worship From Home - January 30th 2022

Welcome to Worship From Home for Sunday, January 30th 2022. Hope you all are doing well. Please take note that in-person service will resume next Sunday, February 6th. This will be Communion Sunday, all loose offering will go towards our Building Steeple Repair. Have a wonderful week and we hope to see you next Sunday. 


Worship From Home - January 23rd 2022

worship from home

Welcome to Worship From Home for Sunday, January 23rd 2022. 
There are a couple of announcements I would like to bring to your attention. 

1) In person services will resume on Sunday, February 6th 2022. 

2) Our Annual Business Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 10th 2022 in the church sanctuary for proper spacing purposes. 
I hope you enjoy our service this morning and may God Bless you. Have a great week. 


Worship From Home - January 16th 2022

worship from home abstract library

Welcome to Worship From Home for Sunday, January 16th 2022. We are so glad you are joining us. May you have a blessed week ahead, and stay safe. 

January 12, 2022 - Update

temporarily closed

After re-evaluation, it has been decided to remain temporarily closed until case numbers decline and it is safe to meet again. For now, we will continue with Online Worship Services which can be found here on the website each Sunday. We will update when things change. Blessings to you. Stay safe. 

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