First Cornwallis Baptist Church

Upper Canard, Kings County, Nova Scotia

Updates & News

Worship From Home - December 27, 2020

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Welcome to Worship From Home. Please join us for a carol sing!

Blessings, Pastor Stephen

Worship From Home - Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve 1024x768

Worship From Home - December 20, 2020


Welcome to Worship From Home on this the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We are living in uncertain times, but nonetheless God is with us. I hope this service blesses you as you sing the songs and hear the message.

Disclaimer: As you will hear, we experienced some technical difficulties during part of today's recording. Please pray that all kinks will be ironed out for the next recording. God bless! 


Worship From Home - December 13, 2020

3rd advent

Worship From Home - Welcome & Carols

Message & Prayer

Closing Carols & Benediction

Wreaths & Giving

Since the building will be closed during Christmas, anyone wishing to pick up the wreaths they donated in memory/honour of a loved one, please phone the Parsonage and Pastor Stephen will open the building and help you retrieve them. 


Also, if you are interested in giving over Christmas and you are wondering how to do so, here is a letter from Joshua Lohnes, Treasurer:


In light of the fact that we have been unable to have regular Sunday services for the past two weeks, and for the next little while, I have had some members asking how they can continue to give their tithes and offerings. I have come up with two ways to continue donating to our church until regular services resume.


First, if you wish to pay through online banking, you can send an Interac e-transfer directly from your bank account. This will then be deposited into the church’s account. The email address to use is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you do this, please use this as the security question: “What is this money for?”. The answer should be “offering”. If you are unsure of how to send an Interac e-transfer, please contact your bank and they can help you through the process.


Second, for those preferring more traditional methods of giving, you can simply mail a cheque to me and I will deposit it at the bank branch myself. If you choose to give this way, please ensure you include one of your offering envelopes with it so I can be sure it gets recorded properly. My mailing address is: 9358A Commercial Street New Minas, NS B4N 3E9. Alternatively, you can drop offerings off at the parsonage and Pastor Stephen will ensure I receive them.


A reminder that our Pre-Authorized Giving Plan is still available. This allows you to give each month without having to remember to bring your offering to church and is directly deposited into the church’s bank account. If you wish to register for this, please speak with me.


Please do not feel obligated to give during this time. I am simply providing the opportunity for those who wish to do so. If there are any questions, please feel free to ask me directly or call me at 902-880-6442. Thank you.


Joshua Lohnes

Treasurer – First Cornwallis Baptist Church

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