Updates & News
Worship From Home - May 2nd, 2021
Welcome to Worship From Home

A note from the Pastor:

A note from the Pastor:
I hope these videos bring you peace during this time of lockdown. I keep each of you in my prayers. Have a blessed Lord's Day.
-- Pastor Stephen
April 27th 2021 - Closure

As per our Premier and Dr. Strang, the province of Nova Scotia is on lockdown for the next TWO weeks. This means that all services, including groups such as Youth Group, Choral Group, Bible Study, and any meetings are cancelled at this time.
2021 Simpson Lectures

In person church services to resume

The board of deacons have decided that in person church services will resume THIS SUNDAY: January 10th 2021.
Worship From Home - January 3, 2021

Happy New Year to all. I hope this service blesses you as we look forward to new beginnings in 2021. One important announcement to highlight is that we will be resuming in-person worship services NEXT Sunday, January 10th 2021, instead of January 17th as previously communicated. God bless!
Pastor Stephen.