First Cornwallis Baptist Church

Upper Canard, Kings County, Nova Scotia

Updates & News

Christmas Eve Service for December 24th 2021

Christmas Eve

Dear folks,
Can you believe that Christmas is upon us once again? From our home to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. Below you will find 3 links to our Christmas Eve Service. Due to a technical error, they are in 3 seperate videos. They are listed in order below. I apologize for any inconvenience.



Christmas Eve and Sunday Morning Services Cancelled.

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Good day everyone,

For the safety of our congregation and community, the Board of Deacons has decided to postpone services until January 12th 2022. Please stay tuned for further updates in the New Year. We will be posting our Christmas Eve Service here and on our Facebook page. 

Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2022.

Kingswood Camp

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Phase 3 regulations allows camping this year! First Cornwallis Baptist Church is sponsoring kids to go to Kingswood Camp. You can find the application on-line. For more details please speak to Pastor Stephen, or our Treasurer, Josh. 

Drive-In Services Resume, AGAIN

gathering again full
Good News! We have received clarification from the Government of Nova Scotia regarding faith based drive in services. We ARE permitted to meet as long as vehicles remain at a six foot (two metre) distance and we stay in our vehicles. There was an error on the Government website that they are currently working to fix. Hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30, WEATHER PERMITTING!


Information taken from the Nova Scotia Government Website: 

  • Drive-in or parking lot faith services and drive-in movie theatres need to follow the Health Protection Act Order and gathering limits, including:
    • service or movie is conducted over speakers or by remote radio broadcast
    • vehicles must be parked 2 metres (6 feet) apart in the parking lot, with the engine turned off
    • no contact between vehicles and people can’t exchange items between vehicles
    • you can only be in a vehicle with your household (the people you live with)
    • people need to remain in their vehicle while attending the service or move, unless accessing a washroom facility or concession stand while following gathering limits, social distancing and mask requirements



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Folks, it has been brought to our attention last minute that there are restrictions on Faith-Based Gatherings, limiting them to 10 people INCLUDING outdoor drive-in services. 


  • Outdoor faith gatherings (including drive-in services) can have up to 10 people.
    [Taken from Nova Scotia Website last updated June 4th 2021]

The deacons board has decided that we should not proceed with drive-in service tomorrow, June 6th 2021 and will seek clarification on this matter next week. Stay tuned for updates on next Sunday's service.



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